eTutoring (File Sharing) Appointments
Want feedback on your writing but have a complicated schedule? Learn better from written rather than verbal feedback? Receiving written feedback may be a great option for you. Instead of meeting with a consultant face-to-face or over videoconference, many writers prefer to upload their writing online and receive written feedback from a consultant. We call this eTutoring.
Think eTutoring is for you? Just decide the specific areas or concerns on which you want feedback; send your questions, assignment, and draft through our online form; and wait for our response. It's that easy.
eTutoring is only available for writing consultations, not tutoring or coaching.
eTutoring can be useful, but it may not always be the best appointment option depending on where you are in the writing process, your learning style, how many questions you have about the project, and what areas of the writing you want to focus on. Students often choose eTutoring thinking it will be easier and faster than in-person or videoconference appointments, but that is often not true when you take into account the time it takes to read the feedback and incorporate it into your paper. Keep in mind that the consultant will not edit or correct your writing for you but will make comments to help you revise your own work, like they do in an in-person appointment.
eTutoring is a good choice if:
- You only have a few direct questions about the assignment or your writing, and you make those questions clear in the appointment form.
- You are near the end of the writing process and have most of a draft already written.
- You have time after the appointment to read through the feedback and make revisions before the assignment is due.
- You are an independent learner who feels comfortable interpreting and incorporating feedback without additional discussion.
- Your schedule doesn’t allow time to meet with a consultant synchronously in-person or through videoconference.
- You appreciate having written comments that you can review later at your own pace.
Follow the directions on the Wingspan's Appointments page to make an appointment. Under the question, "How would you like to meet?" choose “eTutoring (File Sharing)”.
eTutoring is an asynchronous appointment for written feedback on a shared file. You do not need to show up at the time of your appointment. Instead, fill out the survey in the appointment confirmation and attach your document before the start time of the appointment.
While you can have two appointments per week, you can only sign up for one eTutoring appointment at a time. This is to avoid confusion regarding the documents and encourage revision between appointments. Once you have completed your appointment, you are welcome to sign up for the next one.
Using the link in the appointment confirmation, fill out the eTutoring survey and attach your document before the start time of the appointment. Attachments must be Microsoft docuements (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).
If the survey is not completed with an attached document before the appointment starts, the appointment will be considered a no-show.
At the end of the appointment time, you will receive an email with your feedback attached.
eTutoring consultants can help identify patterns of error in your writing, and then provide tips and written tutorials for how to address these patterns as you work to revise and edit your paper based on their feedback. If you've identified specific areas of concern or asked specific questions about the assignment prompt or your writing, they can assess the documents you've provided to help address your concerns. They will respond to your writing as an outside reader.
You can expect to receive both holistic feedback in the form of an opening letter at the beginning of the document, as well as paragraph- or sentence-level feedback using the commenting feature in Microsoft Word. This feedback can help guide your next steps in the writing and revision process. Importantly, eTutoring consultants do not provide copy-editing of documents.
When you make an eTutoring appointment, you are reserving 50 minutes for a consultant to review your writing and provide feedback. Therefore, just like in an in-person appointment, consultants will review as much as they can in that time but may not get to the full document. How far the consultant gets within the document will vary based on a number of factors, such as the amount and type of feedback they need to provide while reading. The consultant will leave comments about what sections they reviewed and where they stopped providing feedback.
You are welcome to schedule more appointments to receive feedback on any additional sections. When you schedule the next appointment, make sure to indicate where the consultant should start to avoid receiving the same feedback twice.
It is a good idea to be specific about what areas of the paper you would like the consultant to focus on for each appointment. If your main concern is a section near the end of the paper, put a note in the appointment form for the consultant to start there.
Policies to Know
How long does it take?
Feedback is not instantaneous, so plan accordingly. Since you are making an online appointment (effectively reserving time for a consultant to review and respond to your writing), you can decide when you would like to receive feedback. How quickly you can receive feedback depends on demand: some times, you may be able to make an online appointment for the same day; other times, our online appointments may be booked several days in advance.
Provide the Assignment:
Because good writing (and writing feedback) is contextual, it is crucial that we know the requirements and goals of the writing assignment. You should provide a detailed description of the assignment or writing project. This information enables the consultant to tailor feedback to your project's requirements.
Submission Limits:
Each piece of writing is limited to 8 pages typed and double-spaced, or about 3,000 words. Your file must be attached as a .doc or .docx file.
Attaching your Writing:
In order to keep your appointment, your file(s) must be attached to the eTutoring survey 5 minutes prior to the appointment's start time. You can find the survey link in the email with your appointment confirmation or in the appointment details on Jayhawk GPS. If your writing is not attached to the appointment 5 minutes before your appointment is scheduled to begin, the appointment will be recorded as a missed appointment. Our Consultants provide written feedback using the comments feature of Microsoft Word, so we require documents be uploaded as a .doc or .docx file.
Meet with a Consultant:
Receiving feedback via e-mail is a great option for writers who learn best from written feedback or whose schedules make it difficult to meet with a consultant one-on-one. However, if you do have time to meet with a consultant face to face or on Zoom, you can expect even more assistance from these productive individual consultations.
Writing Center 101
Check out sound bites from Prose Notes: A Graduate Writing Podcast that discuss our eTutoring appointments!