Join Our Staff

Writing center services, part of the Wingspan: Center for Learning and Writing Support, provides over 3,000 face-to-face and online consultations annually to writers from KU Lawrence and Edwards campuses. We also offer writing workshops, graduate writing groups, and multiple events during the Fall, Spring, and Summer sessions. As part of the global community, the Wingspan supports writers in reaching their personal and professional goals. All writers, with their unique life experiences, worldviews, languages and voices, are respected and welcomed. We provide an environment that is conducive to different learning styles and forms of expression, and we respect writers' use of their home languages and world Englishes. 

Benefits of Working as a Writing Consultant


  • We build the work schedule around your availability! We recognize that you are a student first and have a busy academic and extracurricular schedule, so you can request the hours that work best for you and easily request coverage if you need to miss a shift. We want you to find a comfortable balance between school and work. 
  • During Finals Week, working is optional, and the schedule is tailored to your preferences, so you can decide what you can handle during that stressful time of the semester.  
  • The Wingspan provides significant training to both new and returning writing consultants. Training includes many aspects: 
    • A training day for all new consultants 
    • Shadowing experienced consultants for the first few weeks 
    • All-staff training days each semester 
    • Bi-weekly meetings with fellow consultants to discuss topics relevant to the work we do and gain support from your peers. 
  • We also offer professional development opportunities that boost your resume for any future academic or professional goals.  
    • Enhance skills like interpersonal communication, public speaking, and business writing
      that may be useful in one’s program or beyond 
    • Create website content, workshops, handouts, flyers, or social media content 
    • Attend and/or present at conferences or training sessions 
    • Prepare for teaching by working with a wide range of assignments from many disciplines and creating or leading workshops. 

Over time, you can step into leadership roles within the Wingspan, such as facilitating consultant development groups, managing graduate writing groups, or being a Graduate Assistant.  

Help yourself by helping others! Spending time interacting with interdisciplinary writing and studying pedagogy improves your own writing. You may learn new ways to consider audience, genre, prioritization, clarity, and revision that will help you with your own academic endeavors.  

The culture of our space is constantly evolving. We are continuously striving to be inclusive, safe, and open to change.

We also have perks for employees such as swag, coffee on site, a staff area, and fun events that occur throughout the year! 

Hiring Schedule 

The Writing Center typically hires new undergraduate and graduate consultants starting in April for the Fall semester and November for the Spring semester. Hiring may continue into the following months as needed. 

Available Positions  

Undergraduate Writing Consultant - Student Hourly 

Graduate Writing Consultant - Student Hourly

Multilingual Communication Consultant - Undergraduate or Graduate Student Hourly

For more information, email us here OR checkout Work at KU and Student Employment with UASC