Guest Writing Center Support
Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center Students
Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center students can use Writing Center Services with the Wingspan! You may use the Guest Appointment Request Form below to make a virtual or eTutoring appointment.
Haskell Indian Nations Students
Writing Center Services is proud to offer our services to students from Haskell Indian Nations University. Haskell Indian Nations University students are welcome to make both in person, virtual, and eTutoring appointments. If you are part of the Haskell Exchange Program with a current KU ID and login access, you can use the Writing Center’s regular appointment system. Otherwise, you may use the Guest Appointment Request Form below to make an appointment.
Recent KU Alumni
We are also able to offer writing consultations to KU Alumni who graduated within the last two years when appointments are available. We will do our best to provide an appointment time, but we prioritize current students, so alumni appointments may not be available at busy times of the year. Recent alumni can make in-person, virtual, and eTutoring appointments through the Guest Appointment Request Form.
Guest Appointments
The Writing Center’s appointment system requires KU’s single log-in to make an appointment. Therefore, if you are not a current student, you cannot access the appointment system. Instead, please complete the Guest Appointment Request Form below, following the directions.
Once an appointment is made, we will send you an email confirmation. Please call or email us if you need to change the time, cancel an appointment, or submit a document for your appointment.
How to Request an Appointment
- Check our hours and locations. You may only make appointments during our regular hours.
- Click on the Guest Appointment Request Form button below and fill out the required information. Please provide at least 3 dates you are available and possible time periods. We will make an appointment for you using this information.
- If you schedule an eTutoring appointment, you must email us the document you want reviewed before your appointment time at Documents must be Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. If we do not have the document before the appointment start time, the appointment will be marked a no-show.
- You will receive an email confirming your appointment. For eTutoring, you will also receive an email after your appointment with any feedback provided during the appointment.
- If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, call the Wingspan at 785-864-7733 or email
- If you scheduled an in-person appointment, simply come to Anschutz Library 424 a few minutes before your appointment and check in with the person at the front desk. If you scheduled a videoconference, use the Zoom link provided by email at the time of your appointment. If you scheduled an eTutoring appointment and you have already provided the document for feedback, you do not need to be anywhere at the appointment time. You will receive an email at the end of the appointment time with your feedback.