Prose Notes Podcast
Listen to Prose Notes: A Graduate Writing Podcast! We talk about how writing shapes our graduate experiences!

Episode 1: Welcome!
In this episode of Prose Notes: A Graduate Writing Podcast, we introduce ourselves to the graduate writing world, talk about our backgrounds with writing and writing centers, and discuss our goals and hopes for this podcast space. Join us on this graduate writing romp!
Published October 27, 2023.
Published October 27, 2023.
Spring 2025 Episodes
Episode 15: Imposter Syndrome
In this episode Eden, Nolan, and Samantha (all three hosts!) discuss their experiences with Imposter Syndrome, how graduate students can navigate these feelings of self-doubt, and some strategies for combating imposter syndrome!
Episode 16: Writing a Book with Dr. Laird
In this episode Eden interviews her very own dissertation advisor, Dr. Paul Laird! They discuss the book writing process--which is incredibly similar to the dissertation writing process--and how research involves a lot of cutting details, and writing involves cutting a lot of words. In this sprawling interview, we hope that you learn that all writing is editing, and that your ideas are worth publishing!
Fall 2024 Episodes
Episode 13: Graduate Peer Coaching
In this episode of Prose Notes, Eden and Samantha discuss Graduate Peer Coaching and how graduate students can benefit from tapping into the knowledge and experiences of their peers. They also make multiple movie references: how nerdy!
Released December 2, 2024
Released December 2, 2024
Episode 14: Interview with Dr. Jackson
In this special interview, Nolan talks with Dr. Stephen Jackson, a faculty member of the School of Education and Human Sciences and scholar of the History of Education! Dr. Jackson shares his own stories of growth, humility, and writing, and offers insights into how graduate students can "be kind to your future self."