Spanish Writing Consultations

We are excited to offer Spanish writing consultations for the first time in the Wingspan this year! Spanish writing consultations will be available to ALL students writing in Spanish or who feel more comfortable speaking to their consultant in Spanish. We are no longer limiting these consultations by course or level, so students from any Spanish course are welcome to use the service. 

Who Can Book a Spanish Appointment 

Students can book a Spanish writing consultation if they are:  

  • Enrolled in any Spanish course at the undergraduate or graduate level 

  • A native or heritage Spanish speaker who prefers to speak to the consultant in Spanish even if working on writing in English  

Types of Appointments 

Spanish writing consultations are available as face-to-face or videoconference appointments. At this time, eTutoring will not be available for Spanish writing. Find more information on each type of appointment by clicking on the links: 

Spanish writing appointments will be 50 minutes long and follow the regular Writing Center policies. However, you will sign up for Spanish appointments through a different schedule in our appointment system, so please review the directions about how to book an appointment below. 

How to Book a Spanish Writing Appointment 

Follow the directions on the Wingspan's Appointments page to make an appointment. Under the question, "Which of the following topics best describes your need?" choose “Multilingual Consultations” and then "Spanish Appointments."